Thursday, March 09, 2006


Oh boy oh boy!!! Water supposedly one of the mosy abundant resources has now become the most sought after commodity. The water shortage has created investment opportunities , and interest in water is at an all-time high. Why the interest in water? Like gold and oil, water is a commodity - and it happens to be rather scarce.

In the closing days of 2005, the PowerShares Water Resources Portfolio became the most recent addition to a growing number of ways to invest in water. And the reason behind all this is the simple same old geography we have been learning for years --- about 70% of the earth's surface is covered in water, but 97% of it is saltwater, which is unfit for human use. Saltwater cannot be used for drinking, crop irrigation or most industrial uses. Of the remaining 3% of the world's water resources, only about 1% is readily available for human consumption. Rapid industrialization and increasing agricultural use have contributed to worldwide water shortages. Pollution also highlights the need for clean water.

And this morning i check out Investopedia only to find indexes designed to track various water-related investment opportunities...
  • Palisades Water Index - This index was designed to track the performance of companies involved in the global water industry, including pump and filter manufacturers, water utilities and irrigation equipment manufacturers. The ticker symbol for the Palisades Water Index is ZWI. The index was set at 1000 as of December 31, 2003. It closed at 1351.08 on December 30, 2005.
  • Dow Jones U.S. Water Index - Composed of approximately 23 stocks, this barometer climbed from 500 to 800 over the 12 months ending December 31, 2005. The ticker for the Dow Jones Water Index is DJUSWU.
  • ISE-B&S Water Index - Launched in January 2006, this new index represents water distribution, water filtration, flow technology and other companies that specialize in water-related solutions. It contains 20 stocks. The ticker for the ISE-B&S Water Index is HHO.
  • S&P 1500 Water Utilities Index - A sub-sector of the Standard & Poor's 1500 Utilities Index, this index is composed of just two companies, American States Water (ticker: AWR) and Aqua America (ticker: WTR). In 2005, the S&P 1500 Water Utilities Index rose in excess of 45%

Few days ago, even 93.5FM had a mention of WATER being an alternative transport route due to an increase in the traffic levels in cities...The big auto companies are now designing models of cars that can run in water....So watch out --- here's a great opportunity for all those teeming entrepreneurs.Chalo..... chalte hain chance pe dance karne!

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