Friday, March 10, 2006

CHANGE - Juz unable to accept it!!!

Right now, I feel I’m wasting 8 hours of every single day. That's ONE THIRD OF MY LIFE!

Can I spend that time more productively? What if I discovered how to tap into the world of your dreams and CONTROL them? What if Idiscovered a world more REAL than real-life itself? A world that I could control entirely, with NO limitations?

With that sort of power, I could . . .

Chat with Einstein, develop new ideas, come up with fresh inventions
Watch my fiction ideas play themselves out on a huge cinema screen
Discover solutions that NOBODY ELSE in the world has even thought about
Develop new skills and talents . . . let Tiger Woods improve my handicap!

Man! There are these times when you feel so damn irritated. I mean even as I am typing this I am punching the keys on my keyboard so hard. Its one of those days when I know I have tons of work ahead of me and that very thought puts me off. To add it, its gonna b weekend and still am not enthued about it. I have my project seminar coming up within a week or so and still have not done a thing! But damn I have been trying to read just the first two pages for the past one hour. And have not succeeded at all.. Its not that I cant work, its more like I don’t wanna. I just wanna freak out. Not that I am not already freaked right now! But freak out in the sense, just settle down on my bed. Read some nice books, watch some amazing movies on my laptop, have pakodas and chai in the evening. Write when I want to. Sleep as much as I want to. Blissssssssss, where are you ?

Its really irritating though at times like these. You know you should be doing something. You are trying to do something. But you end up doing nothing. Just the sheer workload means you should start crossing off things one by one from your list. But from morning I have just been pointless jumping from one task to another, completing nothing at all.

That’s why I have turned to writing now when nothing was happening. The best part about writing is that as and when you write, your feelings get released. Already I am feeling much better. Its like just (pardon me for the term!) flushing out everything that you want to! Writing is really a blessing for those who indulge in it. It gives you a kick when you can express something that you want to and in a way that the other person is also able to understand and relate to. Blogs have to be one of the best things to have happened till date.

I used to maintain a diary back till last sem. But then a diary is prone to being read by people you don’t want to. Moreover, taking a pen and paper and scribbling down random thoughts also meant that in case you wanted to erase something, you had to rub and make it look all ugly. Add to that the constraint of just having maybe half a page or one page depending on what kind of a diary you have or which day of the week is it in the diary. Some would give half a page for Sunday while others would give a full page to it.

I have made that transition from the pen to the mouse pointer and the keyboard. And when you are able to do that, you realise that it really is so much more fun. Especially if you have a smooth keyboard. Man I love smooth keyboard, The keys are all so light, that you just feel like typing and typing. Something that I am doing right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The last para of yours, on the smooth feeling of a tight key-board, reminds me of an entry in Anai Nin's journal which I was just reading. It can be a heady feeling, I know