I discriminate, so do you...
The social assemblage of race exists even if there is no genetic veracity. Of course, there is only one human race. But saying that is about as meaningful as saying there is only one world.
Look at our very own nation...Bengalis get abused because they are too sissy. Jaats are avoided because they argue and fight for no reason. Parsees are dirty fellows. Sindhis are considered stingy. Kashmiris can't be trusted. Gujratis are too money-minded. Punjabis are deemed to be "show-offs". Marwaris are "bloody foodies". And in the end, we proclaim that we are one nation.
Every terrorist attack in the nation is pointed towards Muslims. Every Christian in the country is eyed with the suspicion of a "converter". Hindus are thought to be timid. Sikhs are considered rebellious. And in the end, we proclaim that we are one nation.
The slum folks are too low standard. High society is too snooty. The people in the middle are from the old school of thought - they aren't modern enough. The newer generations think the older ones are not fit enough to live with them. The older generation thinks the newer lot is too fast paced. And in the end, we proclaim that we are one nation.
Cricketers are branded as over-paid under-worked stars. The film stars are notorious for their connections with underworld. The politicians are all money- gobbling eagles. The bureaucrats can be bribed all the time. The female actors all sleep their way up to stardom. The policemen are all sold. And in the end, we proclaim that we are one nation.
Writers are considered retarded. Social activists are called attention-seekers. Singers and painters are the ones who are unemployed and are desperately seeking some money. And in the end, we proclaim that we are one nation.
A look at human history shows that fanaticism and odium is as elemental to us as is to be in love with and that no matter how you label it, populace will categorize the others as different and second-rate whether it is race or religion or profession. It is an essential survival instinct. It is a way to sustain freedom and power. We do it in so many ways on a daily basis.
a very interesting read...
@blog on kiran bedi, here is an interesting link, http://www.hindustantimes.com/StoryPage/StoryPage.aspx?id=912e717d-99c6-4578-9d18-679453919824&&Headline=Ten+questions+for+Kiran+Bedi
i still admire her what she has done and what she stands for. the larger question if women are discriminated, i guess the answer is obvious, there is wide spread discrimination in India. nothing to be proud of, but i guess thats the truth.
You words are deep and force anyone to sit and ponder, to think about all that you have written. But the very fact that, if peopole from various ethnic background, religion, demography,divide a large sect of society, it is this very fact that still holds INDIA together. The biggest thing that INDIA has taught the whole world is TOLERANCE. Look at the nations around you. Look at your neighbours. Do you think they are better off than us. Eventhough they have only one religion, one language and one faith. I don't think so. Unity in diversity is just not a thought. Its the basis of our existence and nations envy india for that.
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